stock trainer
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stock trainer - what is it?
Virtual Stock Trading with Real Market Data

No ads. No in-app purchases. No freemium features. Plain, simple, free app.

This app is not just a stock tracker like multitude of Finance apps on various app stores. You can buy and sell stocks on this app with virtual currency, and you can track your stocks' performance just as you would in real market. All users start with a limited balance, to emulate a real world scenario because not many of us have unlimited pool of money to invest. You can view all your transactions in this app, and see how much money you have made or lost on each stock.

Stock Trainer app is not a simulation. It works with real market data to give you as close to real life results as possible.We do not support Stop and Limit trading in this app at this time, but it is coming soon. One of the advantages of this app is that it let's you test the waters before you jump in.

This app is for stock market investors - both new and experienced. Investors new to stock market can try out the market without investing real money. Investors that are experienced can use this app to devise a strategy that works for them. Regardless of your experience with the market, you have intuition about certain stocks but are too afraid to invest; try it out here and test out your instincts.

If you are new to investment, and think you have what it takes to be a Stock Market Mogul, then you must try this app first before investing your real money.

whats supported (and not supported) in Beta version
  1. Supports basic stock trading operations - Buy and Sell
  2. Supported exchanges: United States, India, United Kingdom
  3. Top Market Movers for all supported exchanges
  4. Multiple-users are supported on the same device
  5. Data synchronization for the same user on multiple devices is not yet supported/
  6. Market Close and After Market is not supported at this time. You can buy and sell stocks any time.
  7. Analytics - Coming Soon
  8. Stay tuned as we add more features and drive this app to maturiy
work in progress
Porting the app to iOS and Windows Phone.
Developing analytics support.
Developing user dashboard and portal.